An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute


Marksheet and Result will be dispatched within 30-40 days of exam conducting. If the student attempt the offline exam, then the marksheet and certificate will be received after 35-40 days.

Certificate/ Marksheet

Certificate/ diploma will be awarded by Shree Gandhi saksharta mission after successfully completion of course. Student can verify details from official website of Shree Gandhi Saksharta mission.

Online Result

Congratulations..!!!! Your Grade

  • Student Name
  • Address
  • Contact No
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • Center Name
  • Course Name

After Qualifying all the Exam, the student are awared grades as per their percentage of marks obtained.

Percentage Grade
80% to above A+
70 % to 79% A
60 % to 69% B+
50 % to 59% B
40 % to 49% C